Hey, Remember Me?
Sorry I've been out of it for a while. Blogger lost my last post or two so I've almost given up on it...
But, I remember when Lori and I were facing some serious phyiscal problems and someone from the church gave us, I'm not making this up, "Miracle Oil" that they had purchased from some evangelist-type (might even have been good old Benny himself, not sure). You could anoint with it (of course) but you could also use it topically and internally (in a variety of delivery methods that I won't go into here). The key, of course, was that "if you have enough faith this oil will cure you of ANYTHING" and, if you die, well we just need to check your "faithometer" to see if you had enough faith. Oops, haven't invented that one yet...
Sheesh, no wonder the world looks at the Church and shakes its (collective) head...
But, I remember when Lori and I were facing some serious phyiscal problems and someone from the church gave us, I'm not making this up, "Miracle Oil" that they had purchased from some evangelist-type (might even have been good old Benny himself, not sure). You could anoint with it (of course) but you could also use it topically and internally (in a variety of delivery methods that I won't go into here). The key, of course, was that "if you have enough faith this oil will cure you of ANYTHING" and, if you die, well we just need to check your "faithometer" to see if you had enough faith. Oops, haven't invented that one yet...

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