Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Curtain Opens: Act I

Can you see the drama? [I'm wildly paraphrasing]

Jesus: So if someone sins against you, go to them and try to work it out. If they won't listen to reason, then take a couple people with you so that things don't get out of hand. If that doesn't work, then bring it up to the whole church. But the goal here is to work it out, because wherever two or three of you are, I'm with you...

Peter: So, it's really about forgiveness, isn't it?

Jesus: Yes.

Peter: So, okay, I forgive somebody and we work it out, but then he does it again. And I forgive him. And he does it again. Really, how many times am I supposed to forgive him. Like, seven times?

Jesus: Heh - how about seventy TIMES seven times...

Peter: Oh, come on. That's too much. How could you expect me to forgive somebody that many times?

Jesus: Becasue I'm going to forgive you EVERY time...


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