Marty Luther and Worldwide Commuion Sunday
So Sunday was Worldwide Communion Sunday. I'm kind of anti-establishment (or whatever) but I still think it's kind of cool that so many believers come to the Table on one day - regardless of our traditions and differences - Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Independent, Conservative, Liberal, whatever. There's something...right about setting aside one day where we all remember Jesus' sacrifice in the sacrament.
Now, that's not to say that we're unified - or that the suck factor has gone away. But we are connected. I forget that sometimes. In Christ, even though we don't have anywhere near the same understanding of who Jesus is, I am connected with the wierd independent church up the road, and the high liturgy Catholic church across town. They both might (or might not) suck as churches - but they both worship Jesus, and in that we are brothers and sisters. And sometimes I suck too, so I hope they can cut me some slack...
You know, one of Luther's complaints was that communion was so important that the church should be celebrating it every Sunday (instead of once a year as had become the custom of much of the church - according to my church history prof. at seminary though after a quick whirlwind tour of reformation history from my bookshelf and the internet, I can't verify this) - so, in effect, Luther DID reform the Catholic church (and the "reformed" churches didn't quite pick up on this one). Heh, funny now that we have to set aside one Sunday a year to assure that we all take communion...hmmm....
Now, that's not to say that we're unified - or that the suck factor has gone away. But we are connected. I forget that sometimes. In Christ, even though we don't have anywhere near the same understanding of who Jesus is, I am connected with the wierd independent church up the road, and the high liturgy Catholic church across town. They both might (or might not) suck as churches - but they both worship Jesus, and in that we are brothers and sisters. And sometimes I suck too, so I hope they can cut me some slack...

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