So Hard to Say...
"Ani Difranko saw the venomous unloving side of Christianity on her way into that building..."
That sentence shouldn't be possible to write. When did we twist and pervert the love of God and the grace of God into something that anyone could interpret as venomous and unloving? What in the world are we doing? God help us! We're not Christians anymore - we're just another religion, just another set of beliefs and creeds that we don't really believe or affirm. We need more Christians in abortion clinics - and in lawyers offices and in classrooms and...and in churches. Really. What does destroying someone with words outside of a clinic have to do with the one who died for our sins? The one who said, "Father forgive them, they don't know what they're doing." Why would any Christian expect someone who doesn't know Christ to live like they do? What kind of idiocy is that?
Um...the normal kind, unfortunately...
Are there really no better ways to oppose abortion than with hate?
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... Where's the hate?
Jesus loves that really so hard to say?
That sentence shouldn't be possible to write. When did we twist and pervert the love of God and the grace of God into something that anyone could interpret as venomous and unloving? What in the world are we doing? God help us! We're not Christians anymore - we're just another religion, just another set of beliefs and creeds that we don't really believe or affirm. We need more Christians in abortion clinics - and in lawyers offices and in classrooms and...and in churches. Really. What does destroying someone with words outside of a clinic have to do with the one who died for our sins? The one who said, "Father forgive them, they don't know what they're doing." Why would any Christian expect someone who doesn't know Christ to live like they do? What kind of idiocy is that?
Um...the normal kind, unfortunately...
Are there really no better ways to oppose abortion than with hate?
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... Where's the hate?
Jesus loves that really so hard to say?