Monday, January 21, 2008

Sometimes it feels like everything in the church is done for the 50+ crowd. I know it isn't, but it sure feels that way sometimes.

My friend Rebecca and I went to see 27 dresses. We hated it. Every woman over 50 I have talked to has loved it. I think they made the movie for a younger crowd, but failed - and found an audience in the older gang.

The stereotype of "the Bingo church" is fading away, slowly. At one point I can't help but believe that Bingo was wildly popular for the youngins. I'm sure that it was hip at one point.

I guess what I'm trying to say is - ministry should be specialized when you're young because it will grow with you. My Sunday School class couldn't handle a postmodern lesson plan, but the kids need it. When they are old they'll still be needing that same lesson plan.

I'm kinda random. Do you think I'm on the right track?


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